Our story Unfolds..
SIM-PLIFY based in Birtley, Co. Durham, offers a complete business solution to it's customers. The idea was founded from issues that were discovered via the card processing industry which affected other business systems. Connection issues can cause systemic problems for businesses, SIM-PLIFY is one system that supports the business and one call allows issues to be resolved on that system.
Should there be an issue on the system, it is our issue and one call to us will allow that issue to be resolved by us... the system is our problem, not yours.
With a 5 star foothold in card processing and network problem solving and a deep understanding of essential business services, we can revolutionize your current setup into a interconnected web of dreams!
Let's break it down..
The Source
Every great business setup relies on an efficient internet network coverage.
Whether it's your guest Wi-Fi on your outside terrace, or card machine connection at the counter, it's important to have reliable coverage. This doesn't just mean a fast connection, but a well-thought out tailored setup that suits your business's needs. Our simplified approach to a complex problem can save fortunes in time and money (and headaches!) for you and us both.
> Business Broadband <
Providing the internet for your business allows us to deal with any network problems right at the source. Be it fibre broadband or 4G/5G connections, we can guide you on what is best for your business.
> Network Specialization <
Poor Wi-Fi zones can be annoying, especially when trying to receive card payments. Our affordable yet specialist solutions can create solid networks and solve your broadband blunders!
Business Essentials
Now we've talked about the importance of network coverage, we can look at your business web of services! Not only can interconnectivity create more efficient systems, but it's in it's own nature to save you money. For example, a more simplified card machine & till setup will save time spent waiting for transactions to go through, which could be spent on serving more customers
Here, we create vast savings with all in one simplified packages on modern systems.
> EPOS Solutions <
Synchronicity on all point of sale transactions with mobile tablets, printer setups and data entry support.
> Card Machines <
Fixed & honest rates, expert support and reliability are the key components to stability in taking card payments.
> VoIP Telephony<
Remove expensive phone-lines and digitize your calling capabilities for a fraction of the cost.
The Fun-Stuff
Have you ever wondered what would be like to have a fully maintained digital ad service hooked up to your business TVs? Or a Drone pilot come and record breath-taking videos of your premises for free? This is where SIM-PLIFY can truly set your business apart from the others.
Just like the other services, the Fun-Stuff interconnects too - for example you may want digital signage & ads to promote a table ordering service we have helped set up.. or a Christmas discount QR code ad for your EPOS reader - the possibilities are endless!
Now we've created the savings, let's send your business into hyperspace!
> Digital Ads Screens <
Optimize your customer's attention with our intelligent cloud based TV video ad service. Our content creators can upload right to your TV!
> Drone Recording <
Stunning HD video can be created with our drone fleet which can help feed not only our digital screen service but your social media game too!
Just a few of our clients
Why choose SIM-PLIFY?
No contracts.
All too many times have we came across a business that is tied into a hefty 3 year contract with a Internet Service Provider or Payments companies. We truly are only as good as our last month, which ensures the maintenance of a highly respected customer service record!
With Sim-plify, you can feel a lot more in-control of what's going on with your business. Our easy to use technologies and simple approach to support leaves you in the driving seat.
Your world at your fingertips
There's nothing more tragic than a great business limited by a poor network setup. Through trials and tribulations, we have developed our business systems to simplify entire processes. It is our specialization that make us so unique!
Inter-connected Technology
Having come from self-employment backgrounds, all of our staff understand the complexity that comes with owning a business, which is why we go to extra lengths to support any issues of service.